Webinar November 26th, 2020 ECTAKS Elliptic Curve based Topology Authenticated cryptographic Key Scheme – Applications – Security


  • ECTAKS in a nutshell (M. Pugliese)  (0:00:00)
  • Security Proofs (R. Aragona e R. Civino) (0:35:18)
  • HW Design (W. Tiberti) (1:15:40)

Street Science 2020

The Centre of Excellence Ex-Emerge has contributed to the fifth edition of “Street Science”, an event organized by the University of L’Aquila and promoted by the municipal authority to disseminate scientific and technical knowledge.

In collaboration with Radiolabs, researchers presented an exhibition stand on the subject of “Connected Vehicle and Intelligent Transport Systems” in the setting of the central city square. The topics addressed were perfectly in line with the concept of this edition, focused on the theme of sustainability.